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Alex's DBZ RPG 5 // Fundamental Techniques

Please note that if a move is in yellow text, it means you must learn it from a specific master. Light green moves may be learned from any master.


Move Damage Ki Cost Actions Description
Energy Wave 1 2% 1 The most basic ki attack. It can be in either beam or blast form.
Eye Beam 1 2% 1 It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes.
Mesposo 0.5 1% 1 A super fast beam that is very weak, but cannot be dodged.
One Finger Blast 2 3% 1 You put up one finger like a gun and fire a beam of ki.
Suiken 1 3% 1 A slightly stronger version of Mesposo. Must know mesposo to use. Cannot be dodged.
Dodonpa 2 4% 1 A weak version of the Kamehameha.
Double Energy Wave 1 4% 1 Same as the energy wave except one shot from each hand (Each DR1). Must know energy wave to learn. Once double is learned, energy wave no longer takes up a technique slot. Can be used against multiple opponents and is much harder to dodge.
Super Dodonpa 3 7% 1 A stronger version of the dodonpa but still not as powerful as a kamehameha. Must know dodonpa to use. Cam be used by Tao Pai Pai for 6% ki.

Move Damage Ki Cost Actions Description
Aura Shot 1.5 1% 1 A blast of ki shoots out of your energy Aura. Must know "Aura" to perform.
Beam Ball 1 0.5% (Each) 1 The most basic ki attack in the form of a ball. You can throw up to 4 in one action. Although each ball carries a DR of 1, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents.
Double Energy Wave 1 4% 1 Same as the energy wave except one shot from each hand (Each DR1). Must know energy wave to learn. Once double is learned, energy wave no longer takes up a technique slot. Can be used against multiple opponents and is much harder to dodge.
Energy Wave 1 2% 1 The most basic ki attack. It can be in either beam or blast form.
Energy Dan 3 7% 1 This is a weaker version of Renzoku Energy Dan. You fire six ki blasts (each DR3). Although each beam carries a DR of 3, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents.
Mouth Blast 2.5 3% 1 A ki blast that is shot out of the mouth.
Mouth Blast Barrage 3.5 7% 1 (Aliens Only) A barrage of three quick mouth blasts fired consecutively (each DR 3.5) Although each beam carries a DR of 3.5, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents. Must know mouth blast to use.
Power Blast 2 4% 1 A basic energy blast only twice as strong.
Sokidan 2 3% 1 This is a round energy ball shot from the palm of the hand. More powerful version of beam ball but only fires one.

Move Damage Ki Cost Actions Description
Blast Punch 1 2% 1 A blast punch is a normal punch with a fist but as you are about to hit your opponent, a powerful ki blast surges forward out of your knuckles. This technique may be used in grapples. Considered a hybrid ki attack (damage can be reduced by things that work with physical or ki attacks).
Blood Sigil - 5% vit 0 A sigil drawn in your own blood that will prevent any Celestials in the battle from using Celestial only moves. It may be destroyed if an opponent spends 1 action to erase it. Limit 1 sigil at a time.
Boar Attack 2 3% 1 Engulfing the user in explosive energy, the user charges at their opponent with a punch. Must know Aura to use. Considered a hybrid ki attack (damage can be reduced by things that work with physical or ki attacks).
Bukujutsu - 0.1% /Action - The Ability to fly using one's ki.
Chopping Right 2 3% 1 The user brings their hand up, only to swing downward with a devastating chop to the throat. This attack is considered a physical attack.
Deflect - 0% 1 Using your arm, you swipe an attack. Can block 1 advanced attack that has not been charged or 1 fundamental attack per battle.
Double Assault - 0% 1 A passive technique that adds +50% Strength to two or three physical fundamentals when used in sync with an ally or split form [Each person uses one, all get the boost]
Dynamite Kick 1 1% 1 At first it seems like a normal kick. After connecting you say "detonate" and an explosion follows. Considered a hybrid ki attack (damage can be reduced by things that work with physical or ki attacks).
Fire Breath 1.5 2% 1 A powerful breath of fire. Critical Effect: burn.
Focused Palm Strike 1 2% 1 The fighter slams their open palm into the middle of the enemy's chest with the intent of knocking off their chakra flow. This attack is considered a physical attack. Critical Effect: Poison.
Forceful Flick 1.5 2% 1 The user simply flicks their middle finger against the opponent, most commonly on the forehead. This attack is considered a physical attack.
Friction Focus 1 3% 1 A quick succession of light jabs that creates friction on the surface of the user's body, leaving possible burn marks from their speed. This attack is considered a physical attack.Critical Effect: Burn.
Hammerhead 1.5 0.5% 1 Crossing the arms in-front of the neck, the user dives head first at the opponent with a vicious headbutt. If Used by Tien speed is +50%. Considered a physical attack.
Kiai - - 1 By some means, you create a sound so ear-splitting that it either forces and opponent to miss, or it disrupts energy attacks completely. Can block 1 advanced attack that has not been charged or 1 fundamental attack per battle.
Nova Inferno - 5% 1 (Namekians Only) A move mastered by almost all Namekians on Namek. When used, it raises your max power level by 10% for the next five actions. Can be used twice per battle (doesn't stack).
Power Fly - 0.3% /Action - You are engulfed in an aura of ki which increases your flying speed by +10% thus making your attacks harder to dodge and others' easier for you. Must know bukujutsu or hikou to use.
Razor Swipe 1.5 2% 1 A swift kick that rips through the air like a blade through butter, aiming to slice at whichever area it manages to land with precision. This attack is considered a physical attack. Critical Effect: Slice.
Rising Knee 1 2% 1 A knee from beneath that usually employs a leap into the air before violently ramming the knee into the enemy's chin. This attack is considered a physical attack. Critical Effect: Crush.
Serafin Punch 2 4% 1 A stronger version of the blast punch. Must know blast punch to use. This technique may be used in grapples. Considered a hybrid ki attack (damage can be reduced by things that work with physical or ki attacks).


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