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Alex's DBZ RPG 5 // Henchmen & Sidekicks


There are four types of henchmen: Saibamen, Biomen, Underlings, and Officers and currently one type of sidekick: Student. On this page you can find a description of the benefits of each type as well as a list of current henchmen and sidekicks. You may only have a maximum of 2 henchmen of any type (1 sidekick) at once. All types of henchmen and sidekicks may level up and use DP. Henchmen and sidekicks can gain exp through battling and by its owner using SP on them for exp (see training page). Some henchmen and sidekicks can also look for Dragonballs. You may only have one of your henchmen help you in battle. All types of henchmen and sidekicks receive 2 battle actions per post. Students and Officers only get +1 action on reaching Level 10. Henchmen and sidekicks do not possess the 3 character traits and none of them can take on jobs.

Current Henchmen & Sidekicks can be found here.

Click here to see a list of what items may be equipped on henchmen & sidekicks.

The main benefit of the Saibaman is that they are carried in a seedling and grown. This means that you don't need to waste a method of transportation to cart them around as you can plant them anywhere you go, then bring them back to seed form when they are no longer needed. The Saiba starts with bukujutsu and other three fundamentals (picked by you - cannot be moonshine blast or Nova Inferno) as well as the abilities Acid Blast and Self Destruct. They cannot gain more SP. Has 1/3 of the stats of its master upon being planted. Can aid its master in battle or can be used for partner training but will not gain stats from it. Saibamen will gain stats with each battle they participate in. Cannot look for Dragonballs or rare items. You may have up to eight Saibamen throughout the course of the RPG.

Biomen are similiar to Saibamen in appearance but do not have the same abilities. For one, they cannot partner train with you. The bioman has 1/3 of the stats of its master upon creation. They cannot be carried in seeds so they take up transportation. They do, however, start with bukujutsu and three other fundamentals (picked by you - cannot be moonshine blast or Nova Inferno) and also start with the ability Acid Blast. Biomen will also gain stats for battling. Cannot look for Dragonballs or rare items. You may have up to eight Biomen throughout the course of the RPG.

An underling is your basic henchmen that could have been seen serving Frieza or similar baddies in the series. They have 1/2 of the owners stats when hired and start with knowledge of bukujutsu and eight other fundamentals picked by you (cannot be moonshine blast or Nova Inferno). Underlings can gain stats by battling along side of you or by partner training with its boss. They cannot self train or take on quests without their master present. They may look for Dragonballs but not rare items. All underlings are considered of the alien race but do not receive race benefits. You may hire a total of three underlings throughout the course of the RPG.

An officer is almost like having a second character. Officers start with 1/2 of the owners stats upon being hired. They can do any type of training except for heavy training. They start with bukujutsu and four fundamentals (picked by you) and may know a total of ten fundamentals, two advanced techniques, and one fighting stance (need to spend the proper SP). Officers will also gain the stat benefits from battling. Officers can embark on quests alone as long as their master is not RPing in another thread at the same time (limit to 1 quest per week, counts towards owners weekly limit, officer gains the stats). They may also look for Dragonballs but not rare items although they can be given one rare item. All officers are considered of the alien race and do receive race benefits. You may hire a total of two officers throughout the course of the RPG.

Must be of good alignment. They have 1/2 of the masters stats when discipled and start off with four fundamentals and one fighting stance that their master already knows. They may know up to ten fundamentals and one advanced technique that their master teaches them (learn 1 move per week of training - no SP cost). Can learn Ki Mastery I, II, and III from their master by partner training and spending the required SP. Ki Mastery I can be learned at level 1, II can be learned at level 5, and III can be learned at level 15. They may search for Dragonballs but not rare items. Students may be used for partner training and will also gain the stat benefits from battling but cannot self train. They can take on quests alone if they so wish. They can be any race (except changeling/demon) but will not get race benefits. You may train a total of four students throughout the course of the RPG.



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