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Alex's DBZ RPG 5 // Finisher Techniques

Please note that if a move is in yellow text, it means you must learn it from a specific master. Light green moves may be learned from any master.

*As of Patch 5.6.9, you may only use 1 Finisher attack per post.


Move Damage Ki Cost Actions Description
10x Kamehameha 8 / 5 20% 1 - 2 Good Only: The strongest version of the Kamehameha, this uses even more ki than the Super Kamehameha. It is so powerful that the beam is a dark red instead of its standard blue. If this attack is blocked, it will still have a delayed damaging effect on the opponent with damage rating of 5. Must know Super Kamehameha to learn. Once you know this attack, Super Kamehameha no longer takes up a technique slot. If used by Goku deals DR 9/6 instead.
Chouz Canosama 9 20% 3 - 4 Evil Only: AoE attack. A dark energy move powered up by holding it out in front of you for several moments. After charging, it becomes a dark energy sphere the size of a basketball. You then fire this sphere as a beam. When it hits the opponent it creates a large explosion. If it hits the battlefield it disperses 1 or 2 ki waves destroying or hurting anything for miles. This attack cannot be dodged.
Death Ray 8 15% 1 A powerful beam shot from the eyes much like the eye beam but pierces into the body then explodes. May also be fired from one fingertip. Critical Effects: Pierce, Death (dependent on location of hit). If used by Cooler has DR9 instead.
Final Kamehameha 9.5 18% 2 - 3 Must know Super Kamehameha and Final Flash to learn as it is a combination of both attacks. May learn this OR Final Shine Attack. If used by Goku has DR10.5 instead.
Final Flash 9.5 22% 2 - 4 It is a very powerful energy attack fired after charging by bringing your wrists together having palms out. Can destroy user planets. Once learned, Big Tree Cannon will not take a slot. If used by Vegeta has DR10.5 instead.
Final Shine 10 25% 2 - 3 An attack similar to the Final Flash but even more powerful and shot from only one hand. Must know Final Flash and Big Bang Attack to learn as it is a combination of both attacks. Can destroy user planets. May learn this OR Final Kamehameha. If used by Vegeta deals DR11 instead.
Galick-Gun 9 18% 2 - 3 A blast that is powered up behind you with the backs of the hands. When it is fired, your hands are held palm out. This attack is very strong and can be used to blow up user planets. If used by Vegeta, deals DR10 instead.
Gamma Burst Flash 9.5 25% 2-3 Must know Final Flash and Fusion Beam to learn. The user focuses their energy into their hands and pushes them both out at once, combining two devastating beams into one. Critical Effect: Crush. If used by Vegeta, has DR 10 instead.
Makosen 9 17% 2 - 3 The user charges a ball of energy between his hands and close to his chest and then fires it in the form of a beam.
Neo Tri-Beam 10 15% ki, 10% life 2-3 Must know Tri-Beam to learn. Neo Tri-Beam fires off four Tri-Beams in rapid succession (each DR10). This attack is unblockable. Once learned Tri-Beam will not take a slot. Although each beam carries a DR of 10, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents. Critical Effect: Crush If used by Tien, has DR11 instead.
Rainbow Plasma 10 27% 3 - 6 This is like the galick gun but a variety of colors and much stronger. Shot from the hands, this technique may be used to destroy user planets. Once Rainbow Plasma is learned, Blue Plasma Special no longer takes up a technique slot. Critical Effect: Burn.
Special Beam Cannon 9 / 9.5 16% 2 You put 2 fingers together in front of your face to charge it for awhile. You fire it by yelling "Special Beam Cannon, FIRE" and put your arm out with your 2 fingers extended to fire a straight line with a spiral line blast around in that can go through the opponent's body and then explode behind him if hit. Critical Effects: Pierce, Death (dependent on location of hit). When used by Piccolo/King Piccolo, deals DR10/10.5 instead.
Spirit Success Cannon 10 25% 2 Good Only: The person using this blast puts his palms together and straight out. An energy blast is formed around both hands and when the blast is fired it it very powerful but sacrifices a lot of energy from the user.
Super Ghost Kamehameha Attack 8.5 10% - 34% 2 The same as Super Ghost Kamikaze except instead of blowing themselves up, the ghosts fire Kamehameha waves. Each ghost past the first costs +8% ki. Although each ghost carries a DR of 8.5, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents. Must know Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack to learn. This will not take up a technique slot.
Topaz Discharge 10 75% to a min of 20% (of your remaining Ki) 2 This is a very powerful beam shot out of both hands. It uses all of the ki that you have left and is capable of instantly disintegrating an opponent. As the % of ki goes down, so does the technique's damage level by 0.5 per 10%. For example, 75% total ki used becomes DR9.5 65% is DR9 and so on. Critical Effect: Death.

Move Damage Ki Cost Actions Description
Blaster Shell 10 18% 2 AoE attack. A green shell-shaped energy ball that is charged up much like a beam ball. Upon impact, this ball will explode everything within ten square miles. Once learned, Trap Shooter will not take up a slot.
Death Ball 9 18% 2 - 4 This is a small ball of energy which can be created from the tip of the finger that grows to an enormous size. It can destroy user planets. If used by Frieza has DR10 instead.
Electro Eclipse Bomb 8.5 20% 2 AoE attack. The user places his hands forward as if he were going to do a strong Flash Bomb attack, only he forms a sphere of deep black energy that has another gray sphere inside it that turns black in the center and has red electricity flowing around it. If he charges the attack for a few seconds, it seems to take on a decagon shape, but most commonly looks like a circle. Once he fires it, it leaves a short black trail of energy behind before it hits the target, very easily causing a nuke-sized explosion that destroys everything caught in the explosion. Cannot be dodged. Must know Flash Bomb to learn. Once you know this attack, Flash Bomb no longer takes up a technique slot.
Eraser Cannon 8 15% 2 - 3 AoE attack. A huge blast shot out of the mouth that destroys everything in a large radius with a big explosion. Must know mouth blast to learn.
Genocide Attack 10 40% 2 Chaotic Evil Only: AoE attack. A very powerful barrage of one million ki blasts (each DR10) shot from 1 hand. This attack is undodgable. Although each beam carries a DR of 10, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it can be used against multiple opponents. Critical Effect: Confusion. If used by Buu, has 100% critical hit rate.
Galactic Machine Gun 9 25% 2 - 3 AoE attack. Must know Renzoku Energy Dan. The user fires 12 blasts (each DR9). Once Galactic Machine Gun is learned, Renzoku Energy Dan no longer takes up a technique slot. Although each blast carries a DR of 9, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents.
Revenge Death Ball 9 / 7 3% 3 - 5 Chaotic Evil Only: Similar to the Spirit Bomb, the Revenge Deathball is the gathering of negative energy. A dark blue ball is formed and is extremely volatile, and will immediately explode if it strikes something. *The user may use this twice. The second one takes just as long to gather but has a lower damage rating.*
Spirit Bomb 10 4% 3 - 5 Lawful Good Only: A large ball of energy gathered from nature, living beings, etc. which lend you their energy. Cannot be used by Demons or Changelings. 25% chance (1d4) of instantly killing a Chaotic Evil person upon any successful hit. Can be bounced back by lawful good if shot at them. Critical Effect: Death.
Supernova 9.5 15% 2 - 3 (Changelings Only) A stronger version of Death Ball that grows to a much larger size and in less time. Must know Death Ball to use. Once learned, Death Ball won't take up a slot. It can destroy user planets. If used by Frieza deals DR10.5 instead.
S.S. Deadly Bomb 9.5 17% 2 A semi-large ball of red energy with a small more compact ball of red energy inside of it (an attack used by Super Android 13). It is capable of blowing up user planets. When used by an Android, deals DR10 instead.
Thunder Flash Attack 9.5 / 10 15% 3 - 4 The user does some arm movements to power it up, then he puts his fists together, knuckles out and out of his knuckles comes a blast of firey hot inferno followed by an ice blast of ki. Strength is doubled during this attack. Critical Effect: Burn When used by Pikkon deals DR 10.5/11 instead.
Heatwave Magnetron 10 25% 3 - 6 Summoning forth your inner fury you put all your power into a concentrated globe of energy before releasing a massive blast at your opponent. Critical Effect: Burn.

Move Damage Ki Cost Actions Description
Chou Bakuretsumaha 9 18% 3 - 4 AoE attack. User needs to charge up for a long time before carrying out the attack, but when the user is ready, he spreads all of his appendages out and lets loose a fantastic growing dome of destruction with him at the center.
Destructo Disk 8 12% 2 It is a flat, disc-shaped ki blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. If blocked, will cut off a limb or instantly kill. Must know Kienzen to learn. Once this attack is learned, Kienzen will no longer take up a technique slot. Critical Effects: Slice, Death (dependent on location of hit). If used by Krillin, deals DR10 instead.
Dragon Fist 10 15% 2 This skill will shoot a very powerful dragon out of your punch, that will attack the enemy. Critical Effect: Death. Considered a hybrid ki attack (damage can be reduced by things that work with physical or ki attacks).
Evil Containment Wave - - 1 (Humans Only) A technique designed to seal demons away in a container that has a special Demon Seal on it. When used in battle against any demon or half demon, will instantly defeat/kill them. Because the move consumes so much of the user's life force, the user then immediately dies after using it. Only effective against opponents within 25 character levels of the user. Must bring a Demon Sealed container into battle as a prepared item. After the user dies, must spend an additional week at King Yamma's check-in.
Hakai 10 25% 2 The user raises their hand up, focusing a great amount of their destruction energy into it before letting out a slight pulse into the enemy's body, attempting to reduce their body to sand. This technique can be used to attempt a blast or beam cancel. Only 1 Total Use. Critical Effect: Death
Kinjutsu No Ken 7.5 0% 1 The user strikes their opponent so fast in vital areas that it causes their internal organs to rupture or collapse. It can only be done, however, if the opponent's defenses are already weakened. Speed is doubled when performing this attack. Critical Effect: Crush. Considered a physical attack.
Kyfe Collide 8 12% 2 The user forms an X out of ki and launches it at their opponent. The X can cut through anything it touches. Critical Effects: Pierce, Death (dependent on location of hit).
Scythe of Madness 10 23% 3 Chaotic Evil Only: A weapon created from raw hatred. The user forms a slight ki sword first and then slowly jams it into his other hand before using the rage and hatred in his soul to pull out a much deadlier weapon. The new weapon is a menacing Scythe that is roughly an 8 foot extension feet in length from the hand. The user then attacks in 3 massive sweeping strikes. Damage is spread evenly amongst the number of attacks, which each require a defensive action. Critical Effect: Slice. Considered a hybrid technique. Requires Ki Sword. Once learned, Ki Sword will no longer take a slot. If used by Goku Black, Ki Drain is reduced to 20%.
Spirit Sword 9.5 20% 3 Good or Neutral Only: A blade created from pure, condensed ki around the right hand and formed into a sword-like object. It is usually roughly around twenty feet in length, and yet can be controlled to become longer or shorter at the user's will. The user than releases a series of overwhelming strikes meant to impale their opponent. Damage is spread evenly amongst the number of attacks, which each require a defensive action. Critical Effect: Pierce. Considered a hybrid ki attack. Must know Ki Sword to Learn. Ki Sword will no longer require a slot.
Spirit of the People 7 16% 3 Gathers energy like a Spirit Bomb, delivers it like a Spirit Sword. Lasts 4 actions all attacks are full DR. Requires both Spirit Bomb AND Spirit Sword to learn. Will not take a slot.
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 8 10% - 25% 2 The user spits out a ghost-like form closely resembling the person. The ghostlike form has a mind of its own, and when it hits anything, it explodes, severely damaging whatever is caught in the blast. You may create up to four ghosts (each DR8). Each extra ghost costs 5% more ki. If you know Kamehameha, you may also use Super Ghost Kamikaze attack. Although each ghost carries a DR of 8, hitting multiple times does not increase Damage Rating. The benefit is that it makes it harder to dodge and can be used against multiple opponents.
Symphonic Destruction 9 20% 2-3 The user raises a single finger and creates a vortex a wind, moving the deadly typhoon back and forth before forcing it to the ground. Critical Effect: Slice. If used by Whis, becomes DR 9.5.
Time Freeze - 25% 1 The user freezes everybody else on the battlefield for 3 actions by holding their breath. When the user attacks, time will resume. May use twice per battle. Can be used by Guldo for 15% ki.
Self Destruct 10 100% Life / all ki 2 The user simply destroys themselves in an attempt to take their opponent with them. This attack will do double the user's current power level (adjusted for battle fatigue) in addition to ki used. For example, if the user has 16,000 power level, this attack will have a power level of 32,000 in addition to whatever ki is used. Critical Effect: Death.
Nightmare 8 - 10 22% 3 Using your telepathic powers, you give your opponent flashbacks of past battles. Thinking he is fighting these battles, he powers up until his body cannot handle the power surge injuring him severely or even killing him. This deals damage based on your opponent's level. If lower than you, DR8. If the same, DR9. If higher, DR10. Must know telekinesis to use. This attack cannot be dodged. Critical Effect: Confusion.
Omega Blaster 9 16% 2 - 3 The user creates a small green orb of energy that grows into a massive ball of energy with immense destructive force. If used by Broli, deals DR10 instead.


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