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Alex's DBZ RPG 5 // Donation Items

These items will be unlocked as a special thank you to users who have donated certain amounts to the site. Please note that you are not paying to receive the items themselves, you must purchase them with zeni in-game once they are unlocked. These items also cannot be sold or stolen.

Zeni Cost To Donators
Zeni Cost To Non-Donators
Sneaky Boots
Equipped on the legs. Increases the number of actions you may perform in a sneak attack from +1 to +2. Scouters and sense will not reduce this effect. Action limit cap still applies.
Permit to Sell
Allows you to sell items directly to other people without having to auction them. Sale is simply listed in both characters updates for that week.
Gravity Amp
Increases the gravity of any player-owned planet by x5. Can also be used to upgrade a gravitron to increase it's gravity by x10. May use one for each purpose.
License to kill
Allows you to receive direct payments for bounty hunting other members.
Cybernetic Augmentation
This can be used after losing a battle that would kill you. Instead of dying, you can be reborn using the latest in cybernetic technology. Your race will become "Cyborg" and you will be able to use android-only items to receive half the gains. Ki usage and taking damage will still lower your power level, but battle fatigue will be reduced by 33%. Once you are killed in this form, you will go to the ND and revert back to your regular form. May only use 1 throughout RPG. Will not work for Androids.
Watarian Implants
Allows you to use one of your character changes to switch to a free character while retaining all of your current stats and equipment. Resets the usage limits of Amnesia Greens 2 and Scroll of Relearning. After donators have used 2 implants, any further ones will cost 5,000 zeni. After non-donators have used 2, further ones will cost 40,000.
Cell Alteration
Allows you to change your race to any race you wish. After donators have used a blood infusion, any additional blood infusions will cost 5,000 zeni. After non-donators have used one, further ones will cost 40,000.
Technique Mastery
Increases custom technique slots by 1. Allows you to create one custom technique finisher without using up a finisher slot. Limit to use 1.
Phonic Ray
Must have 20,000 power level or higher to use. Allows a character to quest for their next transformation before actually meeting the requirements. Once the quest is completed, it unlocks a weaker psuedo-version of that form which increases the gains of their current transformation by +5% all stats but also emulates the ki drain of the new form. Once requirements for that form are actually met, a new Phonic Ray can be used for the next form all over again. Cannot be used by Androids.
Superior Battler
Used on any Underling, Officer, or Student you own. Increases that Henchman or Sidekick's base actions in battle by +1 (max of 4). Limit to use 1 per Henchman/Sidekick.
Scroll of Teleportation
Must be purchased while on planet Yaidrat. Takes 2 weeks to read. Teaches you the ability Instant Transmission.
Scroll of Styles
Teaches you the special technique The Hidden Style. Takes 1 week to read.
Black Star Radar
Accessory: Allows you to search for the Black Star Dragonballs.
The Legend of the Blademaster
A book that instantly teaches you any five weapon techniques (limit to learn one level 4 technique). Takes 1 week to read.
Ki Redistributor
Allows you to redistribute up to 50,000 of your stats (except for speed). Cannot reduce any stat below 15% of your Ki Stat.
Amnesia Greens 2
Allows you to forget 1 passive and learn another in its place. Limit to use 2.
Scroll of Martial Arts Relearning
Allows you to change your fighting style to a different style without having to reset its level progression. Limit to use 1 per character change.
Major Second Soul
Allows you to create a second character. Create a separate username on the forum but use the same wiki account. Unlike Minor Second Souls, you may choose or create any character you want with Major. Major's can also use limited quantity items. All other second soul rules apply. You are limited to 1 second soul.
Kami's Blessing
Kami gives you a special blessing that allows you to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a third time if you are Lawful Good. May not use if you have used Earth Defense Forces Device. Limit to use 1.
Zen-O Sama's Butto
Equipped as an accessory. Must have spent 10 weeks in Grand Kai's or Lucifer's Palace to purchase. Can only be bought there. Hang out with the king of everything for a while and he'll eventually let you call on him in a fight. Requires one action to use. One turn later, he shows up and deals DR 10 damage to one enemy if it connects. Using this counts as a finisher used on the turn the damage is done towards the Advanced/Finisher per turn cap. Can't be used by Demons or Celestials, they'd be too scared to press it (includes hybrids).
Custom Item
Allows you to create one custom item subject to approval by Alex. Rule of thumb: don't make it stronger than current rare items or other limited donation items. Limit to 1.
Disinteporter 6700
8,000 per use
Allows you to disintegrate or teleport your custom item so that you can make something else.
Allows you to create a third character. The question is, can you really handle it? Same rules apply as Major Second Soul.
Player Master Expansion
If you are a site master, will further increase your Rush slots by +1, Finisher slots by +1, and allows you to designate a second 'Signature Technique.' Also lifts the restriction about not being able to join another Organization.
Popo's Blessing
Allows you to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber one additional time, regardless of your alignment. Maximum number of total uses is capped at 4. Limit to use 1 Popo's Blessing. Once used, cannot be removed. Limit to use 3 total "blessing" items (not counting Kami's Blessing).
Roshi's Blessing
[Does not apply to Finisher Techs]Increases the DR of all Kamehameha techniques by +1. Also makes it so all Kamehameha techniques no longer take a slot. Limit to 1 Roshi's Blessing. Once used, cannot be removed. Limit to use 3 total "blessing" items (not counting Kami's Blessing).
King Kai's Blessing
Allows you to use Kaioken x10 above the maximum level that you actually know. These additional 10 levels cost no ki or vitality to use. Also increases the DR of Spirit Bomb by +1 and reduces its ki cost by half. Limit to 1 King Kai's Blessing. Once used, cannot be removed. Limit to use 3 total "blessing" items (not counting Kami's Blessing).
Guru's Blessing
Doubles the effect of Guru's Unlock Potential. If you have already used Unlock Potential, allows you to use it again. If you are True Neutral (no lawful/chaotic tag), allows you to pick two additional stats to add +5% to in battle. Limit to 1 Guru's Blessing. Once used, cannot be removed. Limit to use 3 total "blessing" items (not counting Kami's Blessing).
Lucifer's Curse
Increases the effect of Flames of Hell by 15% flat after any other bonuses. Also increases the DR of Revenge Deathball by +1 and reduces the Ki cost by half. Limited to use one Lucifer's curse. Once used, can't be removed. Limit to use 3 total "Blessing and/or Curse" items.
Aubriel's Blessing
Allows you to meditate in the Chamber of Repose for one additional time. If true neutral: end results of battles no longer increases or decreases your alignment. Once used, can't be removed. Limit to use 3 total "Blessing and/or Curse" items
Passive Level Expansion
Allows you to level up your passives to level 3. Level 3 passives do the same as the level 2 passive, but with 50% additional effectiveness (so for example a level 2 passive that adds +15% to a stat now adds +22.5% to that stat instead). Passives must still be leveled normally. Will not apply to Professional or Encyclopedic Knowledge. Tactician will work on your first post at level 3. Intimidation will affect all 5 stats and increases PL cap to -40,000.
License to Conquer
Allows you to conquer planets. Conquering a planet takes 6 weeks and takes 2 build slots. You may conquer player-owned OR actual site planets (other than King Kai's). Planet Vegeta & planets with populations over 1 billion take +1 week to conquer. If you are conquering a planet, rules similar to Tree of Might apply. Players on the planet may attempt to stop you and you must defeat them to conquer it. You may have 1 conquered planet. Does not count against your planetary limit of owning 1 at a time. Conquered planets may have items placed upon them for additional benefits. Conquering a planet will also destroy all upgrades currently on it (other than Moons).
Liaison Officer
Grants you the ability to join a second major organization (max two at one time). You cannot use this item before you are the top rank in your current organization. You can only use 1 weekly spar ability per org and must designate a Primary Org which will be the only Org you can use the extra jump slot for (You can change this in an Update, but Gaining new Jump Ability rules still apply).

Zeni Cost
Bardock's Headband
A headband that commemorates the fallen. Equipped on head. Will increase all stats in battle by +2,000 (+8,000 ki, +16,000 pl). Also increases all traits by +25. If one of your allies is defeated in battle, doubles the effect. Only 1 in RPG.
Dabura's Spear
A two-handed level 4 spear once used by the Demon King himself. Equipped as an accessory. Increases strength by +2,000 and +5% of base in battle. If used by Dabura increases strength by +4,000 and +10% of base instead. May be materialized into battle without being equipped or as a prepared item. If materialized, speed gets +50% for the first attack with it. Attacks with this weapon also deal +10% bonus damage. Every third strike that lands with a spear deals +50% damage. Only 1 in RPG.
Broli's Collar
A collar once used to control a legendary warrior. After defeating an opponent in battle, you may choose to equip this item to their head. This grants them the Majin effect and follows all rules as found here except it adds an additional +5,000 all stats above the other gains. After (6) weeks, the collar will crumble and return to your inventory, ending the effect. It must be rebuilt by spending (1) week on Vegeta and your build slots. Limit to 1 in the RPG at a time.
Baba's Crystal Ball
Works like Gem of Telepathy but has unlimited charges. Spars done using Baba's Crystal Ball give an additional +15 all stats and +1 RPC. Every fourth spar completed with the Crystal Ball will also give a bonus +1 DP. Limit to 1 in RPG.
Korin's Sensu Farm
Located on earth, provides 1 "Korin Sensu Bean" per week (must be on earth to collect). Korin sensu beans are the same as sensu beans and share all the same restrictions but heal an additional 5% damage, 5% ki, and 5% battle fatigue. Limit to 1 farm in RPG.
Goku's Power Pole
Level 4 staff. Equipped as an accessory. Two handed weapon that increases strength by +2,000 and +10%. Can also extend three times per battle for an undodgeable special attack dealing +100% extra damage. Attacks with this weapon weapon deal +10% bonus damage. Only 1 in RPG.
Dr. Gero's Gauntlet
Equipped on the arms. Raises strength and toughness by +10% each in battle. If the wearer knows Energy Kyushu, then once per battle the gauntlet can absorb one advanced technique charged with one extra action or less. Only 1 in RPG.
Jaco's Blaster
Equipped as an accessory. Shoot a bunch of bad guys and look awesome doing it. Deals DR 1 damage and has a 100% chance to stun the first time it hits, but only if you do a wicked pose. Battery carries 10 Charges. Replacing the battery doesn't reset the stun chance. Can't buy or own it if your PL is over 300,000.
Mirage Mirror
Can create a copy of any Limited donation item valued at $100 at the time of purchasing. Cannot be switched after purchasing. Cannot be in the top 25 fighters listed on the main page of the site at purchase. Only 1 in RPG.
Fury of Earth
A level 4 axe. Increases strength in battle by +2,500 and +15%. Twice per battle it can be used to increase strength by +50% for one attack. Axes have twice the chance of landing a random critical hit on special attacks (10%) and still do 25% damage if blocked. Attacks with this weapon deal +6% damage. Limit to 1 in RPG at a time.
A huge two-handed level 3 sword that is equipped as an accessory. It is blunt and meant for bashing. Cannot be equipped with other in-slot items (e.g. intelligence belt). Increases strength by +2,000 and +5%. Attacks with this weapon deal +10% damage. For every kill this weapon has, it gains +1% bonus damage, +100 strength, and +1% strength bonus to 5 kills. Limit 1 in RPG.
Frieza's Starship
The starship once used by Lord Frieza. This gigantic vessel functions as a User Planet that can move through space. Limit to 1 in RPG. Limit to 1 in RPG.
Sorbet's Ring
Equipped as an accessory. An upgraded Reflect Ring (must have a Reflect Ring to buy). In addition to Reflect Ring's properties, once per battle Sorbet's Ring can also produce a DR8 energy beam costing 0% ki and 1 action. Limit to 1 in RPG.
Yamcha's Azure Dragon Sword
Equipped as an accessory. Level 4 sword that adds +2,000 +10% strength in battle. Allows you to use level 4 sword techniques twice in battle. Attacks with this weapon also deal +10% damage.
Trunks' Sword
Equipped as an accessory. Level 4 sword. Increases strength by +2,000 and +10% in battle. If used by Trunks, also increases speed by +2,250 and +12%. Attacks with this weapon deal +12% damage. Twice per battle, can perform Ultra Slash II technique.
The Great Saiyaman's Gui
Equipped on the body.Worn by a champion of justice. May only be worn by people of good alignment. While wearing this gui, all attacks are considered to have the "Good" tag (unless otherwise tagged) and do 10% extra damage against evil opponents. May be worn over another piece of equipment (max 2 things).
Hercule's Belt
The belt of a true martial arts champion. While in your inventory, doubles the stat bonuses of the 'aggressive' fighting style. Allows you to use Berserker one additional time and also increases Rush slots by +1 if you have the aggressive style.

Please note that you may only have one of the items from the limited table at any given time across all of your characters. Since they are limited, these may be stolen by other members who have donated to that level.


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