With the release of Dragon Ball Super, which takes place after the events of Dragon Ball Z, it seems Dragon Ball GT no longer "exists." Although the show was never actually considered canon to begin with
and is one of those love it or absolutely hate it series's, it shouldn't just be erased from Dragon Ball lore! There were some cool GT characters like Bebi and the Shadow Dragons (though some like the Para Para Brothers are probably best forgotten).
We here at ADBZRPG5 are going to do our part to make sure GT isn't forgotten. We're giving away a DVD set of the
complete series. That's 64 episodes spread across 10 discs.
Entry into the contest is simple. All you have to do is reply to
this thread saying you want to win.
The rules are as usual. You obviously have to be a member to win. One entry per member (that means no additional entries for second souls). You have to live in the continental United States and must be okay with PMing me your shipping address.
One winner from eligible entrants will be randomly chosen one week from today on Sunday, April 17th.