Namekians |
- Start with the abilities Mystic Attack and Regeneration.
- Can find dragonballs faster (3 Dragonballs per 2 weeks).
- Start RPG with item: Weighted Cape.
- Have several "Namekians Only" moves and items available.
- Start RPG with double intelligence.
- Must start on planet Namek.
Saiyans |
- Start with the transformation Uncontrolled Ouzaru.
- Start with the ability Zenkai.
- Start with the ability Hardiness.
- Start RPG with item: Saiyan Armor W/ Shoulders.
- The tail may be equipped as an accessory to prevent grabbing in battle.
- Until a power level of 75,000 is attained, if the tail is grabbed, it will weaken the fighter and paralyze them for 2 actions (once per battle).
- Start RPG with 1 base intelligence.
Androids |
- Start with the abilities Built In Scouter, Ki Disruptor, and Hikou.
- Cell & Cell Jr start with Sense, Ki Suppression, Improved Regeneration, and Bukujutsu instead.
- Cell & Cell Jr have special super forms.
- Have several purchasable upgrades and android-only items.
- Immune to battle fatigue from ki drain (except for Cell and Cell Jr).
- May not use sensu beans or rejuvenation tanks (except for Cell and Cell Jr).
Hybrids |
Hybrids are complete, customized characters with unique characteristics (because you choose them). When creating a hybrid you may select it's gender and appearance, as well as selecting any 2 racial traits. However, when creating a hybrid, you must select a dominant race. When you select a dominant race, you will receive that race's flaw, but also be able
to use that race's specific techniques.
Remember, you may only have 1 perk per race.
- Saiyan: Saiyan Transformations or Zenkai.
- Android: Hikou, Built in Scouter, and Ki Disruptor or can use Androids Only items/techniques.
- Human: Sense and Leadership or increase alliance size by +1 if captain or co-captain.
- Changeling: remove PL requirement of first transformation quest or Start with an Underling (and -3 alignment).
- Demon: Double meditation gains or being able to Majin.
- Alien: Start RPG with +5,000 to any stat and +1,000 zeni or receive +10 to the stat from side jobs.
- Celestial: Use Heal at any alignment or once per month may go to ND for 2 weeks.
- Alien: Do not have any disadvantage.
- Saiyan: Start with 1 intelligence
- Android: May not use Sensu Beans.
- Human: Start with -5% all stats.
- Changeling: Must start on Frieza.
- Demon: May not use Spirit attacks.
- Celestial: Cannot obtain or use Mystic & Daemon forms.
Humans |
- Start with the abilities Sense and Leadership.
- Start RPG with item: Karate Gui.
- Start RPG with double charisma.
- Receive +25 zeni from any side job.
- Receive an extra +5 exp from spars and battles.
- Receive +5 all stats when training with Master Roshi.
- A human may fight alongside 2 allies in battles.
- If captain or co-captain of an alliance, increases max size of alliance by +1.
- Start RPG with -5% all stats.
Changelings |
- Start RPG with an open transformation quest.
- Start RPG with 1 underling.
- Start RPG with an additional 5,000 to a stat (+1,500 if canon).
- May have 1 additional underling past the limit.
- Start RPG with -3 alignment score.
- Can breathe in space.
- Must start on planet Frieza.
Aliens |
- Start RPG with 1,000 extra zeni.
- Capable of equipping 3 accessories.
- Start RPG with +5,000 extra of any stat (+7,000 if canon).
- Receive +10 to the stat from side jobs (if criminal, you may pick a stat).
Demons |
- If dead may come back 1 week sooner if desired.
- Ability to become Majin.
- Training increased by +10 all stats per week while in the next dimension.
- Have the ability to travel to Hell when in the next dimension.
- Receive double base gains for meditation training.
- Can reach -10 alignment.
- May use 'Evil Only' techs regardless of actual alignment
- May not use Spirit attacks. If hit by Spirit Bomb there is a 50% chance they will instantly be killed.
Celestials |
- Have several "Celestials Only" moves available.
- Don't have to spend a week at Yamma's check-in when killed.
- Once per month, may go to the Next Dimension for 2 weeks.
- Can use the technique Heal while at any alignment.
- Cannot obtain or use Mystic & Daemon forms.
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